17 Mar, 2025 Various small fixes have been made, such as maps list navigation buttons disappearing, 2PA Leaderboard glitch, the editor tools panel displaying a loading screen instead of on the entire page, and more. 08 Mar, 2025 - The sandbox map has reverted to the default 'Sandbox' - Now display the count of maps and skins on the profile page, along with fixing the incorrect count displayed in the Friends, Requests, and Pending tabs. - Fixed various issues introduced in the previous update, such as the author's name not being clickable in the maps browser, the add/remove friends button not appearing on the profile page, the flag icon in the editor overlapping the border, and more. 07 Mar, 2025 - Updated the game UI enough to make it better adaptable for multiple resolutions and screen sizes including mobile devices 29 Mar, 2024 - Added a new Discord login option. - Maps/Skins uploading and voting is now not allowed for accounts with only a Username or Password. It is required to link the account to either Google or Discord if wanted to upload/vote Maps & Skins, it’s because to prevent spamming - In 2 Player Adventure, joining the room will no longer makes you ghost instantly. Now play right away on joining - Updated UI for Sign In / Sign Up. - Fixed the bug where certain map names, such as “” or >, could not be deleted. - Added a warning before removing a map for users with the “Map Crew” role. - Resolved one of the critical database crash issues. - Fixed various database issues. 13 Oct, 2023 - Added a 'Map Crew' role in the game. Specifically selected experienced players will be able to manage the maps in the game and remove spammy or inappropriate maps - Fixed a severe vulnerability in Google sign-up 04 Oct, 2023 - Replaced the new users sign up with google login as it's more secure and passwordless login - Link your google account with your username & password account to enable secure login with google account insetead of username & password. - Warning: If you sign in with your google account first without first linking that google account with your username & password account then you'll not able to link that google account as that google account have it's own user profile. (To fix this issue accounts mergin update will come) - Fixed the bug where it was showing two rows of owned skins under Avatar Page - Removed the top left menu button as it was redundant - Guest will no longer can change their name and skin from avatar page 28 Aug, 2023 -The accounts recovery system has been added, click on "Forgot Password" from the sign in menu and enter the user name whom password you have forgotten 06 Jun, 2023 -Verify as human before joining the server to prevent bots joining 12 Apr, 2023 -Ads are annoying so I have removed them, no need to use AdBlocks anymore 06 Aug, 2021 -AntiAds Blocker has removed since was causing issues. -Now the pages will load much faster, there will be no "Processing..." overlay -In sandbox showing ads pop-up never disappear issue fixed -Improved graphics performance -Removed the cookie pop that shows at the bottom -Entering into the game is much faster now as "Ads Showing" and "Downloading Client" will be done in parallel on pressing the Play Button/Join Button. 08 Jun, 2021 -Updated leaderboard colors, text and height to better fit -Door related bugs fixed 05 Jun, 2021 -Increased rounds to 5 -Decreased result screen time to 10 seconds -Random team mates selection after every 5 rounds -Increased teams count from 4 to 6 -Fixed the issues where if all there are all the ghosts in a room then the level not changes untill timeout -Fixed the issue where touching the gate sometimes not works 21 May, 2021 -Team leaderboard is back in 2PA -Removed some very hard maps from 2PA 12 August, 2020 -Fixed the "Invalid Code" error by adding new Captcha system -Issues like skins disappears, sign-in/sign-up problems have fixed -Some security fixes 07 July, 2020 -"Sandbox" has new Summer Map GO! check it out -"Sandbox" max players limit per room raises to 60 from 30 -"Two Player Adventure" new maps added -"Hide & Seek" new maps added -Added new skins -"Hide & Seek" server crashing fixed -Made database server a bit faster -Other fixes and improvements 20 January, 2020 -Multiple maps changes at once bug fixed in '2 player adventure' -Bug fixed where description of about me was not updating on reload 22 December, 2019 -🎉 Brofist.io 2 has launched 🎉, checkout -Fixed issues related to previous update 16 November, 2019 -All skins are free now, yes you heard it right, it's FREE for 0 coins -Removed Feedback forum, join official Discord Server for feedback/ideas. -Fixed the issue of players freeze on result screen in 2PA -Now switching the tab will not freeze your screen -AFK becomes ghost if not respond for some duration in 2PA -Fixed the bug where AFK were not killed on poison touch -Added Anti-adblocker, Please whitelist brofist.io from ad blocking to make it up & runnning. Here is guide 28 October, 2019 Happy Halloween, Checkout Sandbox we have halloween update there. Thanks to Dreamvvalker, Architect, Zero, DaRk_AnGeL, UnCollusion, Desantnik for map creation in such a short-time 26 October, 2019 -In 2PA ability to hide the result screen -Now players will not Freeze on showing the 2PA result screen -Fixed the bug where ghosts in 2PA can't see if under "Cover" block -Might fixed the bug where multiple maps changes at once in 2PA -Halloween update coming tomorrow be sure to check it out. 20 October, 2019 -Introducing Official Discord server, Credits -Restored Two Player Adventure, removed around 2000 maps, now on we only accept co-op maps for 2PA -Added CAPTCHA on Login 26 August, 2019 -Community maps/skins, Credits 18 June, 2019 -Community maps/skins, Credits -Added patreon page to support the development. Have look at it 19 April, 2019 -Community maps/skins, Credits -Divided the avatar page into "Owned Avatars" & "Buy Avatars", each section paginated to show the latest avatars first. -Sorted friends with most recent active friends come first in list -Paginated the friends list, 10 friends will show at a time -Fixed database crash bug -Fixed the bug where guests/players can see other players friends status (online/offline, in which mode & room they are playing in) -Old payment system has removed, new is coming soon -Have a look at my old game shipz.io -Sorry for being late on brofist.io 2, but I assure you that your wait will worth 31 Dec, 2018 -Added maps and skins, Credits -Happy new year 2019, as a new year gift every once have got 50 FREE coins to buy upto 3 skins. -Have a look at Zero's discord server (unofficial). There you can discuss about game, meet with other players and can collaborate for content. 21 Dec, 2018 -Added maps and skins, Credits 14 Dec, 2018 -Added maps and skins, Credits -Fixed kick 07 Dec, 2018 -Added +32 maps, +35 new skins,Credits 30 Nov, 2018 -Added +14 maps, +4 new skins,Credits 23 Nov, 2018 -Added +5 maps, +6 new skins,Credits 16 Nov, 2018 -Added +58 maps, +32 new skins,Credits 09 Nov, 2018 -Added +40 maps, +24 new skins,Credits -Added condition where account must be 7 days old to publish maps/skins 02 Nov, 2018 -Added +36 maps, +4 new skins,Credits 26 Oct, 2018 -Added +31 new Two Player Adventure maps, +13 new skins,Credits 19 Oct, 2018 -Added +55 new Two Player Adventure maps, +43 new skins, update sandboxCredits -Fixed the map edit problem 12 Oct, 2018 -Added model import/export feature in editor, just selected some shapes and click on export button (geometrical shapes with down arrow), your selected shapes will be saved in a file, you can also upload shape from file with import button (geometical shapes with up arrow). -Fixed platforms out of sync problem with server -Added +1 new hide and seek and +34 new two player adventure maps, +17 new skins, Credits -Now we have 582 Two Player Adventure maps, 12 Hide and Seek maps, 182 skins in store and more than 50,000 registered players -One thing to note that have an eye on Brofist.io 2 release, it will be lots of fun when it come out 05 Oct, 2018 -Added +1 new Hide and Seek map, +44 new Two Player Adventure maps, +37 new skins, +8 maps fixed/updatedCredits 28 Sep, 2018 -Added +35 new maps, +9 new skins, Credits -Fixed map credits -Brofist.io will be developed from scratch to make it rich and fun game again. It will take a while to develop it so stay tuned 21 Sep, 2018 -Added +43 new maps, +20 new skins, 6 maps fixed, Credits 14 Sep, 2018 -Added +26 new maps in Two Player Adventure, Credits -Added +70 new skins, Credits 07 Sep, 2018 -Added 21 new maps in Two Player Adventure, Added +3 new maps in Hide and Seek, Fixed many maps, Credits -Added How to Earn Coins Page. 31 Aug, 2018 -Added +47 new maps in Two Player Adventure, Added +2 new maps in Hide and Seek, Fixed 13 maps, Credits -Fixed start timer deletion hack issue in two player adventure mode -Fixed scripts injection issue on user profiles 17 Aug, 2018 -Added +46 NEW skins, see avatar page, Credits -Added +35 Maps in Two Player Adventure mode and +3 new Maps in Hide and Seek mode, credits 10 Aug, 2018 -Added Language based servers, Currently there are two Language servers, 'Russian' and 'English' -Added +75 NEW skins, see avatar page, Credits -Updated Cops vs robbers & LAVA maps of 'Hide and Seek' mode -Fixed servers crashing issue -Fixed AFK auto-kick -Fixed Scripts and HTML tags injection in "About me" section 03 Aug, 2018 -Added About me under user profile, you can tell little bit about you in that section. -Added +84 NEW skins, see avatar page, Credits -Added +32 Maps in Two Player Adventure mode and +1 new Map in Hide and Seek mode, credits -Updated Sandbox Map -Fixed some DB crashing issues. 27 July, 2018 -Added +33 skins, see avatar page link, credits -Added +24 Maps in Two Player Adventure mode and +1 new Map in Hide and Seek mode, credits -Added the feature to rate skins in Skins Browser page -Added the option to delete user submitted skin -Added "report user" feature -Added the option to search skins by 'Author' and 'Skin name' -Users submitted skins will appear under their respective profiles -A vulranavility fixed related to maps deletion on the DB server -A bug fixed where if uploaded skin size is more than 100kb then alert was not appearing. 20 July, 2018 -Added Skin Editor, use skin editor to upload your own skins. -Added Skins Browser to view users submitted skins -Sandbox map updated, credits -Added +5 new skins -A bug fixed in physics system which result in boosting the game speed. -A bug where searching maps by author was not working, now has fixed. -Friends list under user profile will appear again. 13 July, 2018 -Added +10 new "2 player adventure" maps, credits -Added "Friends", "Requests" and "Pending" buttons under user profile to better manage relations with other users -Removed "download my old google maps" link from profile -Selected Maps will show under MAPS_MANAGER" user. Modes will request "MAPS_MANAGER" user to load it's uploaded maps 06 July, 2018 -Added coins support to buy new skins in the game. Coins can be bought from the shop page. Support the development of brofist.io and buy some coins. -Added +4 new animal skins, avatar page -Added +15 new levels in "2 Player Adventure" mode, credits -Fixed the issue where sometime on voting maps a dialog appears to ask for sign in to vote maps even if the user is signed in. -Fixed the appearance of "Add Friend" button on users profile page. -Updated the avatar page -Added new page "shop", from shop users can buy coins. -Fixed some vulranbilites on the database 29 June, 2018 -Added +12 new maps in "Two Player Adventure" mode, credits -Fixed the issue of disappearing skins on some levels where Physics of cover shapes deleted -Fixed the issue of playing maps with special characters in their name -Fixed the poison jumping issue -Fixed the issue where if gate is poison and alpha is zero then passing through it makes player ghost or teleport -Player will be ghost again on joining the game. 22 June, 2018 -Added +20 new maps in "Two Player Adventure" mode, credits -No more ghost on Spawn in "Two Player Adventure" mode. -Now poison will instantly kill you on touch -Poison blocks with alpha 0 will not kill you, useful in making poisonous gates, when gate disappears players can easily pass through without teleporting or becoming ghost -Added the "Edit map button" to edit maps, When you edit map and publish it then please don't change Map Name as it will overwrite your map with updated map data. -Added download link under profile to download old google form maps. -Fixed the rating issues 15 June, 2018 -Added +13 maps in "Two Player Adventure", Credits -Disallowed playing game in multiple tabs as it was causing problems -Fixed the bug where offline/online status indicator was not showing on user's profile page under friends list -Fixed "Sort by Rating" problem in Maps browser page as this bug was not fixed properly in previous update 08 June, 2018 -ADDED +7 new maps in "Two Player Adventure" by the Community, Credits -ADDED new Skin (Hulk with arms and antenna), actually it's not a new skin, but just a testing by creating an avatar with arms and other things attached to it. -ADDED submitted levels under user profile, now users can see their submitted levels under their profile -ADDED option to delete maps -UPDATED the map name length from 20 to 30 -FIXED bug with "Sort by Rating" in Maps Browser page -FIXED '🗹 checked' flying text on flag touch in editor while testing map. -FIXED bugs relating to maps submission -FIXED bug where sometime "Result Screen" after 7 levels not appear in "Two Player Adventure" mode -IMPROVED the performance of database server -In previous week we received lots of good quality maps, and I'm really thankful to all of the authors and appreciate their efforts and hope they continue supporting the game with their contribution. Good quality maps help us to focus more on the CORE game instead of worrying about game content 01 June, 2018 -Added Maps Browser page feature where users created maps will be listed and anyone can play and vote for their maps to include in the game. -Added native maps publishing tool in the editor, previously we were using google forms but now users will submit their maps to our database so that other users can rate and play their maps through Maps Browser page -Updated the Editor, It will spawn two players to better test maps for Two Player Adventure and Hide and Seek modes -Updated "Maps submission:" section in privacy page -Fixed some vulnerabilities in Database server. -Previously missed level 'Escape from the Iphone 7' by AHTPACblT added 25 May, 2018 -Bug fixed where players can't jump on floor of 2nd pyramid in "Hide and Seek" -Players cut down from 60 to 30 per room in Sandbox. -Added AFK popup, if player is away for sometime this popup will appear and ask if player is still playing the game, after 10 sec of no response it will auto disconnect the player. -Added settings page, now players can change their password and email through settings page. "settings" link appear above the "Logout" link. -Please provide your email if not given, email helps to recover your account password. -Added +8 new "Two Player Adventure" maps by the community, credits -Updated Privacy Policy please review it. -Added "Cookie Consent" message appear below footer. 14 May, 2018 -Added new skin "Black Panther" -Fixed facebook sharing issue to unlock skin -Privacy policy added 11 May, 2018 -Added new skin "Wolverine", thanks to FunnyMan -Added chat support in all modes, now when players play on mobile they can easily chat by clicking on "Chat" icon. -Added Hotel in "Sandbox" mode -Updated the "Avatar" page -Added support of "Kick Menu" on player touch on mobile devices -AFK auto kick fixed -Sometime rounds result pop-up in "Two Player Adventure" disappears before time run out and some levels were skipping due to this bug, now has fixed. -A bug "Hide and Seek" where on room join in already started game the person appears not tagged, now has fixed -In "Two Player Adventure" mode physics were not pausing for 3 seconds on each level start resulting in unexpected results, now has fixed -Better adjustment of zoom level on small screen devices (mobile/tablets) May 04, 2018 -"Sandbox" mode is now open to play.Map is just a basic structure, it will keep on updating. -Around 20 maps were not loading in "Two Player Adventure" mode, thanks to youKnowWhoIam to inform me about this issue. -Updated the site footer -Added mobile support in "Hide and Seek" and in "Sandbox" mode. -Fixed the bug in"Hide and Seek" where invisible skins were showing due to "null.png" -Updated the on screen mobile buttons to make them more prominent -Added twitter page, follow @brofistio on twitter to get updates and announcements about the game Apr 24, 2018 -Good news! Now you can play brofist.io on your mobile/tablet devices, currently only "2 player adventure" mode is supported. Visit brofist.io on your device browser. -Added the team feature in 2 player adventure mode, thanks to arulson for such an amazing idea. There will be 2 players team (randomly formed). After every 7 rounds scores will reset to 0 and 2 player teams will randomly form. Top scored team will be shown in "Winner box" along with their name and avatar. -Added +7 new levels by the community in "Two player adventure" mode, Credits -Updated leaderboard appearance -Fixed the bug in editor where player can't jump if it's on "cover enabled effect" shape. Apr 10, 2018 -Added the support in editor to make "Hide And Seek" Maps -Added the section of "How to make Hide And Seek" map in "Tutorial" page. -Added "Join Date" on user profile page -Added "Email" field during sign up as it's optional but useful to recover lost passwords. -Added the "Editor" link in the footer -Removed the "Guess the Word" mode as it was highly incompatible with new updates and working on it again is like building entirely new mode. But don't worry new mode will soon come based on voting -Updated the map submission form, it now contains Map Type field. Choose either "Two Player Adventure" or "Hide and Seek". -On invalid user name search in search bar causes it to freez, now fixed -Fixed the issue where Database server was crashing due to invalid user name search -Increased login session expire time to 24 hours -Thanks to "Morf-Designer" for letting me know the following 3 bugs in editor -Fixed the issue in the editor where on a copy / pasting group of shapes does not preserve the original Z-Ordering. -Fixed the issue where on the changing color of individual shape in merged shapes sometime makes another copy. -Fixed the issue where on changing rectangle/circle color does not take effect. Mar 21, 2018 -Added missed 6 levels of previous update, Thanks to "YouKnowWhoIAm" for letting me know. -Fixed wrong room number and server info that your friend playing in Mar 19, 2018 -Added +6 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -Now you can see if your friends are online and what mode and in what room they are playing in -If friends are offline then it shows for how long your friends were offline -People whom you send "friend request" will show under "Friends" section in profile page. -Added profile image along with online status of friend -Fixed AFK kick out Mar 15, 2018 -Added Login system, Login system will allow players to make friends in the game (in game, click on player to add as friend if both are logged in), chat with them off the game (not added yet), see if they are online (not added yet), save avatar and name in account. -Added search bar on profile page to search registered users -Added +20 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -Added "Cover" effect in editor, enable "Cover" effect on shapes to allow players to go under them -It's a big update on server side and can cause issues like data removal in accounts, skin loading issues, server crashing etc...These issues will be fixed on following updates
Feb 16, 2018 -Fixed kick gui as it was not appearning on player click -Fixed injecting html tags in name -Fixed levels problems -Added avatar button beside the play button on each game mode's page Feb 14, 2018 -Added +9 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -Added completely new interface to support the future features like registration, shop, avatar editor, multi-language support and ability to add other players as friends -Now the skin and name changes on avatar page will preserve, means you no need to every time set your name and skin before playing -Optimized images to make them load faster. Jan 26, 2018 -Added +7 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -Fixed the problems in previous levels - e.g. Construction Zone, Half Life -Fixed the bug in the editor with checkpoints placing -Hide and Seek mode new map is coming soon -I know it's been too late since the last update as I'm working on new editor which will be able to make completely new game modes so when it will be ready then it will be much easier to publish new modes faster. I hope it will be ready very soon Jan 10, 2018 -Added +10 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits Jan 01, 2018 -🎉 Happy New Year 🎉 here's the fist update of year 2018 -Added +11 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -A bug fixed where platforms were able to press buttons -Updated some previous levels Dec 22, 2017 -Added +7 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -A server crashing bug has fixed Dec 11, 2017 -Added +11 NEW levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. See Credits -A bug fixed where platforms can press buttons -On level start a timer will start which locks movement for 3 seconds, it helps to come out of accidentally keep pressing buttons while level change. -Some levels have updated -More levels coming soon -"Hide and Seek" mode level editor will probably come on next update Dec 06, 2017 -+12 NEW levels added by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. SEE CREDITS -Map selection policy has changed. Random unique non-repetitive level will be selected to play. -NEW Item "Checkpoint" added. Checkpoint helps to try again & again from difficult parts of a level. -Some levels has updated, Check the list -More levels, "Hide and Seek" map editor and NEW items coming soon. Nov 29, 2017 -Added +4 new levels by the community in "2 Player Adventure" mode. Check Credits -Improved the performance of the platforms as they were going out of bound sometime. -Fixed the text color problem in the editor where the text color change was not reflecting during level play. -Fixed the bug where the platforms were able to press buttons and pull levers. -Now when you play level, then it's credits will appear bottom right of the page. -Fixed the bug where players can jump on poisons. -Updated some levels -Updated the "2 Player Adventure" mode's tutorial. Please must read "How to make a good level" section in tutorial if you are going to make a level -More levels coming soon -Some new widgets going to introduce soon (teleport, checkpoints, etc...) Nov 25, 2017 -More NINE levels added made by the community in "2 player adventure" mode. Check Credits -All previous levels problems has fixed now -More community levels coming soon! Nov 23, 2017 -Added +9 new levels made by the community in "2 player adventure" mode. See credits Nov 19, 2017 -Thanks for making levels, we are receiving lots of level submissions. Most of the levels are broken/incomplete/non-sense so we have to discard them and there are lots of creative/good/complete levels so we are adding those levels time to time. We hope that community will continue making "Good Levels" -Added +3 new levels made by the community in "2 player adventure" mode. See credits -Updated the website design, It's now responsive to multi resolution devices (phone/tablets etc...) -Level's data will download faster as they are less in size because of compression. -In editor, camera was following only the 1st player, but now will also follow other 2nd player. Nov 13, 2017 -"2 Player Adventure" editor is now available to make levels. You can find the editor and its tutorial link on the "2 Player Adventure" page -A bug fixed where platforms sometime get out of sync with server. -Improved level loading time. Nov 10, 2017 -All 17 levels has updated to be able to complete under 02:30 minutes. Also, some glitches have fixed in maps -"2 Player Adventure" mode size has reduced from 1032KB to 48KB. Thanks to dynamic level loading module -I am working on "2 Player Adventure" mode's editor where anyone can create their own levels and can publish so that others can play it. The editor will complete and will be available for use in 3 days hopefully. -The game will soon be able to play through a phone / tablet browser Oct 23, 2017 -Fixed the bug where on exit gate touch players get yellow color immediately on client side without server validation. -Fixed the bug where rotating things go out of sync with the server. -Fixed some skin issues -Improved client and server side Oct 19, 2017 -Added +1 new level in "Two Player Adventure" mode. -Randomize the levels ordering in "Two Player Adventure" mode. -Fixed the bug where players can jump higher through some invisible blocks. -Updated the "Hide & Seek" mode map like some hiding places where players get stuck and not able to get out also added some hiding spots. Sep 29, 2017 -Added +1 new level in "2 Player Adventure" mode -Fixed the servers crashing bug Sep 28, 2017 -Added +1 new level in "2 Player Adventure" mode Sep 27, 2017 -Added +1 new level in "2 Player Adventure" mode -Fixed the bug where on room join wrong name displays in the Leaderboard -Fixed the bug where players can't jump on appearing/disappearing platforms controlled by buttons Sep 25, 2017 -Fixed the bug where it says all servers are full even if there is space. -Decreased the kickout timeout for AFK players -Servers crashing bug have fixed now on "Two Player Adventure" mode. Sep 22, 2017 -Now 1/4 people will be selected as seekers. Like if there are 20 people, then 5 will be seekers and 15 will be hiders. -Updated the hiding and seeking time based on seekers and hiders count -Fixed some problems in the new map. -"Hide and Seek" mode servers was crashing for every 3-4 hours due to memory leaking, now has fixed! Sep 16, 2017 -Added completely new map for hide and seek called "Pyramid of Giza", checkout the screenshot -Removed previous 2 old maps as they were not compatible with this new update -Now seekers will turn into blue skin instead of blue color name text -Fixed the bug where your original skin not restor from tagged skin. -On game join if it's already started, then you'll be teleported as tagged into a play area instead of waiting to finish the game. -Improved the server performance -Little bit text styling changed Aug 25, 2017 -Added +1 NEW LEVEL in "2 Player Adventure" mode -Majour update for "Hide And Seek" mode is coming out soon Aug 23, 2017 -Anti-AFK feature added in "2 Player Adventure" mode. If a person is away from keyboard for a certain amount of time, then he/she will be kicked out -Players per room has increased from 10 to 12 in "2 Player Adventure" mode -Jumping along the wall glitch has fixed -Improved Auto connect function -KICK feature added in "2 Player Adventure" mode. Now you can vote kick for people for abusing/bullying/Cheating etc... You need to just click on player and click on "YES" to vote to kick. If that person gets a certain number of votes, then he/she will be kicked out from server. Remember, you can vote only once Aug 21, 2017 -Fixed the bug where if you join the room and the room is full then the page disappears -Fixed the bug where when clicked on "PLAY" button then it sometime give popup and reload the page Aug 20, 2017 -Lag issue in "Two Player Adventure" mode has Fixed now. Aug 16,2017 -Added +1 NEW level in 2 Player Adventure mode -Fixed the issue where sometime next level starts without waiting for all to die or all to touch the exit gate -Sometime at level start some people were already ghost, now has fixed -Fixed the exit gate counter wrong value -Let me know if there is any issue except the lag as I'm already working on it Aug 14,2017 -+2 new levels added in 2 player adventure mode Aug 13, 2017 -New gameplay for 2 player adventure has added -Added +10 completely new levels -Players per server limit has cut down by 50% to reduce lag. -Added leaderboard -Improved the jump function -Hitting poison/spike will turn you into Ghost. -Added +4 new skins (Goku, Spiderman, Ironman, Hulk) -Added nice effect for chatting, now continue doing chat without hitting enter to clear text -Improved the connection establishment feature to connect to nearest server with less latency. -Due to added support in editor for making complex figures by combining shapes, now you'll find more diverse stuff in levels -Some characters on keyboard like "(" were not working, now has fixed -Holding "Ctrl" key for 3 sec. will turn you into ghost, useful when you get stuck. -Ghost can't interact with environment & can't get scores. -Now you can't set empty or spaces only name. You should have identity in game. -Updated lever function, lever can only be pulled if all the attached platforms are in rest. This function prevents pulling lever back n forth again and again. -There is exit gate. Faster you access the gate more you get the scores. -Touching the gate will turn your name into yellow indicating that you have reached the exit gate -Added link to temporarily access Old 2 player Adventure mode Jun 24, 2017 -"Guess The Word" English language only update has reverted back Jun 24, 2017 -"Guess The Word" mode will only work for the people who has browser in english language. Jun 19, 2017 -Added more words. Words have classified into 3 categories (easy, medium, hard). Words will be auto selected by the server based on the probability for each category -Now you can "Kick Drawer" for AFK/Misleading/Inappropriate Drawings/cheating etc... -Drawer turn will be cancelled if kick vote count exceeds certain threshold Jun 18, 2017 -"Guess the Word" mode is now ready to play. Let me know if you find any bug in it. -Improved the server code for fast connectivity Jun 03, 2017 -Modes preview icons updated -Sneak peak for new mode "Guess the word" added May 18, 2017 -NEW map for hide and seek added -NEW Seeker Distance meter added at bottom right of screen -Seeker distance meter tells you how far a seeker is, in case of more than 1 seekers, it will tell the nearest seeker distance to you -On TAG hiders will no more go back into the waiting room instead they will be turned into orange color and can spectate the game -More updates coming soon! May 07, 2017 -More than 1 seekers will be choosen based on number of players in a room. Thanks to picc for suggestion -Sometime 'hiders alive' counter goes in -ve, now has fixed. -Waiting room is now more wider than before -Seeking and hiding time will be based on number of players in a room. Check policy table at http://prntscr.com/f51ewd -New Map is coming on next update -Please give your feedback to help me improve this game more. Apr 25, 2017 -Seeking time updated from 2 min to 3 min -Seeker Choosing time updated from 15 sec to 20 sec -'Ctrl' key to restore to previous point has removed -Waiting Room is now more wider than before -+1 more hiding spot added -on Ads finish sometime there is issue about connectivity, now has fixed Apr 22, 2017 -HIDE AND SEEK mode is out! -Basic anti-cheat checks added for HIDE AND SEEK mode only -Please give your feedback about this new mode at feedback forum Mar 25, 2017 -Rewrite the game code to add support for "Hide And Seek" and other future modes -Sometime screen goes down while playing. It has fixed now -Added Dead Pool and Robin skin -Added interface to choose mode Mar 14, 2017 -Some vulnerabilities fixed on server -Poll will end at the end of this week. Mar 11, 2017 -[NEW] Map updated. Added +5 more sections -Vote for your favourite mode. Polling will end soon Mar 03, 2017 -Fixed some vulnerabilities on servers -flash skin added Mar 01, 2017 -[NEW] Anti-TROLL: Now you can vote for a kick for a trolling player. If a trolling player exceeds certain votes limit from other unique players then that player will be kicked out from server -Click on a trolling player to vote for kick Feb 28, 2017 -Ads added to keep the servers up and running. Feb 27, 2017 -[NEW] Added +5 more skins -Improved the server code -Don't forgot to vote for the new mode :) Feb 24, 2017 -[NEW] Added the cafeteria behind the home -Removed some more glitches in map -Finding and joining the most appropriate server TIME has improved -[NEW] +1 skin added Feb 22, 2017 -[NEW] Option to select room added, now you can play with your friends in a same room -[NEW] Added the main interface -Optimized the server code to support more players -Removed some difficult parts in map -+7 more servers added -[NEW] +1 skin added -For the time being all skins will be FREE due to some sharing issue -[NOTE] This update may cause some issues cuz most of the code on server has changed since the last update. Let me know if there is any issue Feb 09, 2017 -Custom skins are available at the cost of sharing. Just click on your character to select the skin Feb 05, 2017 -Now use "Ctrl" key instead of "Down" key to go back to the previous checkpoint -Added +7 more sections of parkour. Click here to see new sections -Optimized the server code -brofist.io/editor.html broken link has fixed -Custom skins will be available on next update Feb 02, 2017 -Server connection status added, when the "connecting..." text disappear you will be connected to the server -on FireFox hitting backspace causes to go back to previous page problem has fixed -update.txt file added to track the update history Jan 31, 2017 -2 more servers added in Georgia and California. Players will automatically connect to less latency server -Some map fixes Jan 30, 2017 -[NEW] Added new parkour section. Click here to see map overview -Some little fixes in map -Planning to add new mode of brofist, Please tell on feedback forum that what kind of mode you would like to see Jan 29, 2017 -Added some more checkpoints on critical sections -Added +3 more section on map -Zombie Glitch resolved Jan 28, 2017 -Zombie collision glitch will be solve in next update, untill then use "Down" arrow key to reset to last checkpoint! -Added one more puzzle on MAP Jan 27, 2017 -Added a new section in map -some glitches in map fixed -Added feedback/bug forum Jan 26, 2017 -NEW Map added